• 저는 9학년부터 선생님께 과외를 받고있는 11학년 학생입니다! 선생님과 과외하면서 영어뿐만 아니라 chemistry도 도움을 많이 받았어요. 다양한 방면에서 많이 가르쳐주셨고 선생님께서 제가 모르는 부분들을 잘 파악해서 도와주셨습니다. 한국에서 와서 영어가 완벽하지 않았는데 정말 3년동안 실력이 엄청들었고 지금은 sat공부도 같이 진행중이에요! 학생들을 진심으로 대하고 열정이 넘치시는 최고의 과외 선생님이십니다!!

    Kennedy High School
  • Chi is a wonderful teacher. He dedicates time and care into teaching his students. He is very empathetic and tries very hard to help the student succeed. I would highly recommend Chi.

    Jesse Chang
  • 고등학교시절 처음 과외란걸 받게되며 만나게된 훌륭한 선생님이십니다. 공부와는 거리가 멀었던 제겐 마냥 귀찮은, 졸업하기 위해 거쳐가야 했던 과목들을 처음으로 흥미있게 공부할수 있도록 지도해주셨습니다. 그렇게 과학이면 과학, 수학이면 수학 등 많은 과목들을 선생님께 배우고 교내 과목에서 우수한 성적을 내면서 비로소 이공계열에 없던 흥미가 생겼고 자신감을 얻게 되었습니다. 이를 계기로 저는 좋은 대학에 합격하고 computer science 학위를 […]

    Leo Yang
  • I am a freshman in highschool and in the beginning of the year I was in geometry honors without doing algebra one so it was very difficult. I told my mom I think I need a tutor so I met Chi teacher! He is great with teaching and helping. Goes step by step which is […]

    Sunny Hills High School
  • I love Mr Chi!! I receive tutoring from him for AP Chem but is also able to help me with other subjects when needed. He makes tough stuff easy to understand and is also able to make it fun! With his help, I’m doing way better in my chem class and grades have improved.

    Cypress High School
  • I am a sophomore in a very academically rigorous high-school, and when I first started taking AP Chemistry it was very different from normal chemistry. And when I told my mom I needed a tutor and I started taking classes with Mr. Chi all of the concepts became easier and he explains complex ideas in […]

    Canyon Crest High School (San Diego)